Friday, February 27, 2009

Counting down...

Only one more day 'til Grandma and Grandpa arrive- yay!
And only 5 more days until our adoption finalization day- double yay!!
And...only 13 more days until Aunt Betsy arrives-triple yay!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Play date

Here are some pics from a play date at our friend Jeanette's house on Sunday. Elizabeth loved the stairs and the big backyard to play in!
Climbing Jeanette's stairs- we don't have these at our house (ok, apt.)!

On the swing with Jeanette:

Today I had to keep Elizabeth home because she had some gunk in her left eye and Day Care was afraid she might be contagious. We couldn't get in to see the doctor until 6:30 this evening, and she said the eye is not infected and she is fine to go to Day Care. Elizabeth has had a little cold, and that is probably why her eye is watery. So hopefully, it's back to school and work for us tomorrow!

Friday, February 13, 2009

New Crocs!

Grandma sent Elizabeth an adorable pair of pink Crocs (Croc look alikes, actually), for Valentines Day. They are a little big on her still, but she loves them! She loves to walk around the apt. in them . And actually, they are the only shoes I can get her to keep on her feet! Thank you, Grandma. We can't wait to see you in 2 weeks:)
Happy Valentines Day everyone :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I've been tagged

Aimee tagged me a few days ago, so here goes. I think I'm supposed to list 10 things about Elizabeth.

1) Elizabeth has developed a deep and abiding love for Barney, and will actually say hi to him and kiss him when she sees him on TV. I am hoping this infatuation is short-lived...

2) She LOVES music and will start to dance whenever she hears it.

3) She HATES having her nails cut, and will scream and cry like I am beating her. NOT fun!

4) She has started saying "No, Mommy" recently. It's very cute. For now...

5) She loves to talk on her toy phone and says, "Hello? Hello?"

6) She says hi to everyone we pass by at the grocery store, but when I'm introducing someone to her and want her to say hi, she clams up and won't say anything.

7) She hates it when I go on the computer, talk on the phone or cook dinner.

8) She likes to "help" me sort the laundry by pulling all the clean clothes off the bed and distributing them throughout the apartment.

9) She finds that food is much more tasty when eaten off the floor as opposed to off her tray.

10) She has the best sense of humor ever, and constantly cracks me up.

I'm not going to tag anyone in particular. If you would like to do this, consider yourself tagged:)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Yipee- this week just keeps getting better and better!

This morning I got a call a from the Court Clerk- finally! We have a court date!!!! It's going to be in early March,which is perfect because I'll be having family out here visiting from the East Coast at that time, so they will get to be at the finalization with us:) I can't believe after almost a year and a half of going through this adoption process, it's finally almost over! Yipee!!!!!!!!!
But of course,the most pressing matter at hand is- what is Elizabeth going to wear??? I think this is an EXCELLENT excuse for buying my girl a new dress.;)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I finally did it!

Yesterday, I took and passed the second and final CA Marriage and Family Therapist licensing exam, so now I'm officially licensed (or I will be as soon as the Board receives my check for the licensing fee). After 4 years post-degree of going through this licensing process, it's hard to wrap my head around the fact that it's over. I realize it's really been a weight on my shoulders. Even when I wasn't consciously thinking about it, it was always in the back of my mind; getting enough supervised hours, preparing for the exams, etc. I can't believe I'm all done and I don't have to worry about any of that anymore. Weird...Excellent, but weird...
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