We had a great Sunday. Our friend Maria took E to Church, so I got a couple of hourse to myself :) The only problem was, Maria brought Elizabeth back about a half hour later than I was expecting. My mind automatically went into "worst possible case scenario" mode. Maria doesn't use a cell phone, so I couldn't call her. By the time they came back, I was convinced they were both unconscious in a hospital, with no way to identify E or how to reach me. Ugg...Let's just say, I was sooooo happy when I saw them pull up to Maria's house, where I was waiting.
Later, my mom and I took Elizabeth to a children's show that my mom had baught tickets for. It wasn't exactly what we expected, and was kind of slow, but E did ok, and it was fun to get out to do something different. Afterward, we went to my parents', where E got to ride her bike (still no snow here- amazing!!) and play with the neighbors' kids.

All in all, it was a great weekend!
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