Thursday, February 21, 2008

Important question

Ok, this question is for all of you moms out there reading this, in particular all you single working moms. My question is: How do I have a happy kid, be a good employee, and keep a clean house ALL AT THE SAME TIME??? I have the happy kid, which of course is the most important thing. However, I need to be a good employee in order to feel good about myself and keep my job. (I might want to cut down on the blogging at 4pm on a Thursday afternoon, then).
I also need to live in a clean home. So if anyone out there has managed to accomplish all three of these things at the same time, please tell me your secret!! Or if you haven't, comiserate with me so I don't feel like such a loser!!


Eliza2006 said...

Unfortunately I do the minimum at work and try to be there as little as possible while still doing a good job. I recently hired someone to clean my house. And the most important...for the most part I'm doing a good job as a parent and my girl is happy. It's definitely a juggling act!


Kelley said...

I'm with Tiffany...I do the minimum at work and try to be there as little as possible. I've been teaching 17 years though, and my "minimum" still has lots of hard work behind it, so I don't feel too TOO bad. (Most days.) As for the house cleaning, FLYLADY! I do the main stuff, and that's really it. If you don't "know" Flylady, check her out at I usually clean a little during weekend naptimes, and a little right after I put Chloe to bed. That's it. (I'm too much of a type-A "do it yourselfer" to have a cleaning lady, and I can't afford one anyway.) Everything has to give a little...and the most important thing is a happy baby! (Thanks for the invite to your blog!!)

Anonymous said...

I am not a single mom, and I don't work, and I STILL have a hard time keeping my house clean! LOL! :) Don't stress too much about it - years from now, you'll remember all the fun stuff you did with Elizabeth and your career accomplishments, but the dust bunnies will have faded from memory. :D


Abby's Mom said...

HMMMM, I am still figuring it out and trying to let the mess not get to me, hard but trying to :) Wait til she becomes more mobile and undoes things as fast as you try to set them straight. I try and do a quick pickup when she is in bed, Unfortunately I do vacume the floor 3 times a day (meal times) but that is sure to change once I go back to work.

Unknown said...

Here's the secret - don't try to maintain the same standards you had before kids - it's not humanly possible with our without husbands and jobs! As for the housecleaning, just do a through job once a month and when Ms. E's crawling - vaccuum the floors once a week. Love and safety matter most, not keeping everything neat and orderly! Don't get discouraged about work....personally I believe it's more sane to try to be a a "sequential woman"....rather than a "superwoman" at this time in your life. Do what you can at work for now -it gets easier when they are in elementary school.

Yeah So said...

The answer is "you don't". It's impossible, so stop trying, I say!

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