So how do you like our new look? A HUGE shout out to Donna for giving my blog a much needed make over! If you haven't gone on her blog, go check out her little cutie pie, Lauren.
Things have been kind of crazy here. Elizabeth and I are taking an unplanned vacation. She has been conjested and coughing some, so yesterday I took her to the doctor. The Dr. said that since she had a fever earlier in the day, and is coughing, she technically has "influenza-like symptoms" and therefore has to stay home from Day Care until next Wednesday 5/13. Luckily, Elizabeth seems to be feeling pretty well- playing and eating normally. So we are enjoying some "together time" for a few days. I think making her stay home until next Wed. is kind of overkill, but hey, I'm not going to complain about being able to be a "stay at home mom" for a week!
In other news, my best friend here in San Diego is in the hospital. She has diabetes, and is also being treated for cancer. The chemo is causing havoc to her system, and with the diabetes, it is even more dangerous. She is doing ok, but they are pumping her up with antibiotics and nutrients. Not sure when she will be getting out.
I guess that is all the news for now. I better go do some unpacking while Miss E is napping!
I love it!! It shoes up as really wide on my screen. Now you can make your pix extra large if you want to!! Very cute blog!!
Hey - no updates lately? Some of us live for your updates you know...
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