Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Trip to LA and moving

Phew! Things have been kind of busy lately. Last week, my cousin passed away after two bouts with cancer. So, so sad, he was young with a wife and 3 kids. Sunday, Elizabeth and I went up to Los Angeles, where he lived, to spend time with family. I'm so glad we went. Here are a couple pics of Elizabeth with some cousins (here from Maine).

Also, we are moving to our new apartment officially this Friday. I got the keys last week, and have been taking stuff over little by little. The movers come this Friday to take all the big stuff, so we'll spend our first night there that night. I'm wondering what Elizabeth will think of the change? I am excited about the apt, but the process of moving just is not fun...Especially during this heat wave we are having this week. Gotta love hauling heavy boxes in 90 degree heat. Whee! I just keep thinking that I have my own washer and dryer now, and that makes it all worth it:)


Betsy said...

yes, focus on the W&D and NO MORE QUARTERS! :)
Wish I were there to help!

Kelley said...

So sorry to hear about your cousin.

Best of luck getting all moved in!

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