Monday, April 22, 2013

Sunday at the Zoo

Yesterday, we got up and with nothing on the schedule for the day, had a nice relaxing morning. Love those! Then, since the sun was out, I took E to the playground. It was actually a lot chillier than I thought it was going to be, and I was definitely wishing I had taken my hot coffee with me...oh, well :0  We had fun, anyway.  After we were finished at the playground,   I decided we should go the zoo, only about 10 minutes away. It's a small zoo, and it's still only April, so I wasn't sure how much we would get to see, or how interesting it would be. It ended up being terrific.  I thought it would be a fairly quick visit, but we stayed for 3 hours!

 They even had a playground (with a spider web!) where we spent most of our time :)

By the playground, there was a barnyard, with goats that can be petted. Elizabeth spent a long time petting the different goats, and I wasn't surprised when she told me later that this was her favorite part of the zoo.  She was so sweet and gentle with them, and also with little toddlers who came by and wanted to touch the goats.

Such a fun day! It brought back memories of how I used to take E to the San Diego zoo all the time.

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