Friday, May 16, 2008

Doing fine

Elizabeth had a great night, I didn't hear a peep out of her until her usual 6AM wake up time. She was still a little coldy (runny nose, coughing some) this morning so I took her to the doctor to make sure she was ok. The Dr. said she was fine, no fever, ears and lungs are fine. So off she went to Day Care, armed with a Dr's note saying she is ok to be there, and I'm at work. I would have loved to have kept her home today, but as my friend Misty pointed out, if I stay home every time she has the sniffles, I'll be missing A LOT of work...
Looking very forward to the week-end :) Hope you all have a great one!!!

1 comment:

Eliza2006 said...

Gotta love paying the copay for the doc to say she's fine! I always asked for formula samples to make it worth it when that happened!


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