Friday, March 13, 2009

A belated Thank You and a question

I just want to say thank you to everyone for all the nice comments and congratulations since Family Day. I am truly feeling the bloggy love:)
I love comments (of course!) and really appreciate everyone's well wishes.
Here is my question: Since the adoption is now final, I could make this blog public. Part of me is really tempted. I love getting new readers and lotsa bloggy love. Obviously, it's harder to build up a readership with a private blog. However...I just can't quite bring myself to make it public. Anyone have any opinions, thoughts, comments on the private vs public blog question? I'd love to hear what you all think.


Kelley said...

How funny! I'm planning to go public too. I've been going through my blog, post by post, changing all of the names. I don't recommend that--it's a REAL pain. But it's what will work for me. (I hope to be finished by Chloe's birthday on Thursday.) Other folks have just started a new blog...depends on what you want to do.

Diana said...

You can do as Mama Duck suggested and change the names, or start a new blog entirely. Don't delete this one, just start a new one and leave a link to the new one here.

Or, use real first names, no last names, no identifying information such as where you live, no pictures of the house, etc and make it so it isn't publicly searchable (meaning that it won't be picked up by search engines) Just leave a link in your profile to your blog. Other adoptive families will find your blog from there.

Arena Mom said...

Good question, and something I think we all toy with at times (to be public or not). I am still not sure what the right answer is, but for us, I love to be open for a few reasons. Not only do I have the ability for new people to "stumble" onto my blog who are adoptive parents, but I have also met some interesting others. Someone from El Salvador, a girl adopted from El Salvador years ago, some random, non adoptive people. Anyway, that part is almost just as much fun. You get to have contact/ insight from people you would never meet otherwise.

I may eventually go private when Mayna gets a little older ( or maybe not). Not sure yet.

Nancy said...

I think your story is incredibly inspiring and could help a lot of families make it through the ups and downs adoption process!

Heidi said...

I'm a private person, so I would opt not to go public. However, if you did, I would do it will a new blog .. and in the new blog, make up a new name for E, etc. Maybe copy/paste a few of your favorite entries in the new blog and only change the names in those. I don't know, I just get a little weird about how easy it is to find information about people on the web. just my humble opinion ....

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