Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Update at four and a half

Today, my girl is 4.5. Hard to believe...Not to sound too cliche, but omg, they grow up fast. She is like a sponge, and picks up on everything. She is obsessed with her new favorite movie "The Wizard of Oz." She knows all the songs in it, and always acts out the movie with her bath dolls in the tub. Soooo cute...
She knows all her letters and enjoys books, and is getting more interested in "writing", but would still rather play ball or ride her bike. Her love of swimming continues, and I will be signing her up for swim lessons this February. She is a social butterfly, and makes new friends easily. She is alternately clingy and independent. In short, she is my amazing big girl. :) Happy 4.5 birthday, sweetie pie!

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